Vote Tuesday, November 5

2024 Sinking Fund Millage Proposal

In the upcoming election on November 5, 2024, voters will be asked to vote on a Sinking Fund millage.

What is a Sinking Fund?

A Sinking Fund allows a school district to make improvements for specific purposes, as allowed by the state.

If approved, it would allow Lincoln Consolidated Schools to create a fund to be used strictly for building repairs, safety,  instructional technology, and transportation.

How is it funded?

A Sinking Fund is created by a local tax millage and is levied on all property located in a school district. The district proposal is for a levy on 2 mills which would generate $2,616,487 per year for 10 years for district improvements.

How will my taxes be affected? 

Home Market ValueEst. Monthly Cost

Benefits of a Sinking Fund

Funding for needed improvements and repairs including HVAC, Roofs, Asphalt,  Safety, Technology and Transportation. 
Improved learning environments
Transparency and accountability show taxpayers exactly where and how the money will be spent.
More general fund money remains in the classroom

What  we CAN spend a sinking fund on

Repair & Replacement of:

  • Heating and Cooling Systems
  • Roofs
  • Parking lot, Sidewalks, and Asphalt 
  • Safety and Security
  • Instructional Technology
  • Transportation

What we CANNOT spend a sinking fund on

  • Salaries & Benefits
  • Equipment & Supplies
  • Textbooks
  • Utilities & Operational Expenses
  • Furniture 
  • General Maintenance

The Sinking Fund allows us to repair and improve school facilities, ensuring a safe and conducive learning environment without diverting funds from instructional programs, and keeping more money in the classroom.

The funds are used for major repairs and maintenance projects such as roof replacements, heating and cooling system updates, instructional technology, transportation purchases and repairs, safety and security improvements, and other critical infrastructure needs.

The cost depends on the property value and is equal to $2.00 per $1,000 of taxable value.

The Sinking Fund levy would be for 10 years, after which it could be renewed by voters.

No, by law, Sinking Fund revenue can only be used for repairs, and improvements to school buildings and grounds, instructional technology and transportation purchase and maintenance.

Without the Sinking Fund, necessary repairs and improvement may be delayed or not completed, potentially leading to more costly issues in the future. This could also impact the overall learning environment and safety.

Dear Lincoln Community,

I hope you’re keeping cool and enjoying summer break!

For a century, Lincoln Consolidated Schools has been the educational center of our community, expanding from a single school building to a campus with multiple school buildings and athletic facilities. The average age of our school buildings is over 50 years, with our newest school building opening nearly 20 years ago. Across the district, our infrastructure is aging with needed repairs and replacement becoming critical. Currently, the costs will be funded from the general budget, which impacts the amount of available funds for classrooms.

At the June 24th meeting, the Lincoln Board of Education approved placing a 2-mill, 10-year sinking fund proposal on the ballot for the upcoming November 5 election. A sinking fund is levied on all property located in a school district and would generate $2,616,487 per year for 10 years for district improvements. This proposal represents an opportunity for our district to enhance our educational facilities and help ensure a safe and conducive learning environment for all our students.

A sinking fund is a dedicated fund used exclusively for the repairs and improvements to school buildings and grounds, instructional technology and transportation purchase and maintenance. Unlike general operating funds, which cover day-to-day expenses such as salaries and supplies, a sinking fund is specifically earmarked for capital improvements. Here are some of the key benefits that adding a sinking fund will bring to our district:

  1. Facility Improvements: The sinking fund would allow us to address critical infrastructure needs, including roof repairs, HVAC system upgrades, and necessary renovations to ensure our buildings are safe and efficient.

  2. Safety Enhancements: Ensuring the safety of our students and staff is paramount. The sinking fund would provide the resources needed to enhance safety and security measures across our campus.

  3. Modern Learning Environments: To prepare our students for the future, it is essential that we provide modern and technologically advanced learning environments. The sinking fund would support the purchase of instructional technology. It would also support the upgrade of classrooms, labs, and other learning spaces to meet the demands of a 21st-century education.

  4. Long-Term Financial Stability: By dedicating funds specifically for capital improvements, we could avoid the need to divert resources from our general operating budget. This would ensure that our funds for instructional programs and student services remain intact.

We understand that any request for additional funding must be carefully considered. The Board of Education and district administration are committed to transparency and accountability in the use of these funds. If the sinking fund is approved, detailed plans and regular updates would be provided to ensure that the community is well-informed about the progress and impact of the sinking fund. 

To keep our community well-informed, upcoming messages and meetings will be scheduled closer to the election. Please watch for more details and opportunities to engage and learn about the proposal. We encourage all community members to stay informed and participate in the upcoming election.

Thank you.

Warm regards,

Robert Jansen

Ballot Language


Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property in Lincoln Consolidated School District, Washtenaw and Wayne Counties, Michigan, be increased by and the board of education be authorized to levy not to exceed 2 mills ($2.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for a period of 10 years, 2025 to 2034, inclusive, to create a sinking fund for the purchase of real estate for sites for, and the construction or repair of, school buildings; for school security improvements; for the acquisition or upgrading of technology; for the acquisition of student transportation vehicles; for the acquisition of parts, supplies, and equipment used for the maintenance of student transportation vehicles; for the acquisition of eligible trucks and vans used to carry parts, equipment, and personnel for or in the maintenance of school buildings; for the acquisition of parts, supplies, and equipment used to maintain such trucks and vans; and all other purposes authorized by law; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2025 is approximately $2,616,487?