Summer Programs and Job Opportunities
The following is information on Summer Programs we have gotten information on in the LHS Counseling Office.
Summer Programs
Michigan State University - College of Engineering - Summer Programs and CampsEngineers and computer scientists use math, science and imagination to solve problems, invent new things, and improve the world around us. If you like math and science, solving problems, thinking creatively, or are curious about how things work, you are already on your way to becoming an engineer or computer scientist! Join us for our upcoming camps and programs! |
SEE CampSEE Camp is an introductory camp to all types of engineering. We do not expect campers to have any experience in engineering. We will be covering broader topics related to engineering to provide campers an overview of different disciplines. |
High School Summer Science Program @ Eastern Michigan UniversityJune 23 - July 14, 2025 Apply Now - Application deadline is May 1 This unique program allows high school students, in teams of two, to be matched with a faculty mentor and an undergraduate research student to work on a research project in either biology, chemistry or physics. Participants will generate new scientific knowledge and will give a presentation showcasing their accomplishments at the close of the program. During this intensive three-week summer program, students will learn how to:
Engage @ EMUOpen Enrollment Community Camps are open enrollment camps put on in collaboration with the REC/IM, EMU esports, Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan, and the Ann Arbor YMCA to name a few. These camps are promoted and all are welcome to register! |
Concordia University Pre-College ProgramsGet a jump start on college with Concordia University! Check out their programs here: |
Notre Dame Pre-college ProgramsClick here ( to learn more and apply. Application deadlines vary by program. |
Summer Youth Programs @ Michigan Technological UniversityFor a complete list of programs and extended course descriptions, visit for more information and to register. |
University of Michigan Electrify Tech CampVisit for more information and to register. |
Carnegie Mellon Summer Academy for Math and ScienceCarnegie Mellon is committed to providing access opportunities to populations of students who have been historically underrepresented in the STEM and Computer Science fields. We materialize this support through our Summer Academy for Math and Science and our Computer Science Scholars program offerings. |
Girls Who Code Summer Immersion ProgramGirls Who Code's Virtual Summer Immersion Program (SIP) is a FREE, 2-week program for current 9th–11th grade students (rising sophomores, juniors and seniors), to learn about computer science, gain exposure to tech jobs, and join a supportive sisterhood of thousands of students around the world. Click here for more information and details on how to apply. |
Gettysburg College Virtual Summer Academic CampsGettysburg College is excited to offer several opportunities for high school juniors and sophomores to attend virtual academic camps over the summer months. Subjects include psychology, history, and creative writing. Please find information to share with your students about our academic camps below: Virtual Camp Psych: Campers will get hands-on experiences that introduce them to research in psychology during this fun, challenging, and engaging introduction to the field. Civil War Era Studies Virtual Camp: Campers will get to enjoy historic Gettysburg, Pennsylvania while studying American Civil War History through unique learning experiences. Students will explore the circumstances leading to the war, investigate significant battles during the war, and explore the condition of the United States after the war. Young Writers Virtual Workshop: Students gain an in-depth introduction to all four genres of creative writing: fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and writing for stage and screen. Your students can learn more and register on our summer camp website. |
SHE Oncology
Michigan State University Spartan Youth ProgramsSpartan Youth Programs displays a wide range of exciting opportunities for youth to improve their knowledge in specific subject areas. Programs are available to serve all age ranges from pre-kindergarten to high school. Browse the site to find descriptions of programs that interest you and your child. Each description includes complete contact information for your convenience. To register for a specific program, simply go to that program's Web site. With well over 200 different programs covering topics in agriculture, art, business, computers, engineering, math, music, science, sports, study abroad, and writing, MSU is sure to have a program for every student. Pre-college programs are an excellent way for students to explore potential majors or careers while being introduced to the college environment.
Michigan Health Sciences Pre-College Exposure Academy (SPEA)The Michigan Health Sciences Pre-College Exposure Academy is a free, hybrid program. SPEA is intended for highly motivated high school students in the 10th or 11th grade. Students gain exposure to University of Michigan healthcare professionals. The SPEA curriculum is aligned with the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Core Competencies, which are fundamental to preparing students to be healthcare professionals. If you have questions regarding SPEA, please contact |
Wayne State University Biomedical Career Advancement ProgramThe Biomedical Career Advancement Program (BCAP) is a 6-week summer research experience for10th-12th graders to explore research and health science careers. BCAP is also an amazing opportunity to meet like-minded students, gain direct mentorship from health professionals and MUCH MORE! Students work alongside senior research/clinical faculty and their staff to explore research investigation in a highly enriched environment. |
Bowling Green State University Pre-College ProgramsSummer is the perfect time for pre-college students to explore their career interests. BGSU Pre-College Programs provides opportunities for students to experience the Bowling Green State University campus while expanding their knowledge, building life skills and exploring their interests. BGSU offers residential and day camps throughout the summer. |