LHS Testing Out Information
Testing Out Information for the 2025-26 School Year
Registration Period: Students will register from January 15, 2025- January 29, 2025
Application for Approval: Students MUST complete the google form/application to register. This form is available here: Test Out Request Form or on the website.
Students can only sign up to attempt to test out of a course that they have not previously taken.
Keep in mind that if you are signing up to attempt to test out of a class, that means that you feel that you know the curriculum for that course so well (without ever taking the class) to pass a comprehensive exam with a C+ or higher.
Credits earned in this manner will not impact G.P.A. and will be recorded on the transcript as “testing out course” for test out and a “P” will be recorded if the student passes with a 77% or better.
Each department will provide a syllabus so that the students know what the test will cover and what additional items (demonstrations, research paper, portfolios, etc.) will be required as part of the comprehensive evaluation. The students will receive the course syllabus from the counseling office by February 7th.
If a performance/ lab/ demonstration component is required, it will be arranged with the department if the student passes the exam on February 18th.
Students can register to test out of up to 1.0 credit (1 year long or 2 semester classes) each year.
Test Out Exams will be taken on February 18, 2025 on the teacher PD day. If transportation is an issue, please reach out to your counselor.
“Approval to Test Out” application must be completed and submitted no later than JANUARY 29, 2025 at 2:00 pm