Staff Resources
Greetings from Stay Well!
Greetings from Stay Well!
For the last three years, it has been a pleasure to serve your organization and constituents by providing creative, timely, and supportive emotional health resources through the Stay Well program. Stay Well started as a federal grant program established to provide behavioral and emotional support programming during the COVID-19 pandemic. During those unprecedented times, we were pleased to provide numerous webinars, tool kits, videos, and materials to Michiganders and organizations that benefit from those resources.
With the ending of the public health emergency, the Stay Well program will be discontinued effective December 31. Live programming will continue through November and December. Please share with the adults, teens, and children you serve that these final live webinars are scheduled and registration is open: see attached flyers and social media resources below.
All the Stay Well resources, including recorded webinars and workshops, wellness videos, and downloadable teaching tools, will still be available on the MDHHS website. We hope you will use this archive to continue to offer virtual education and support to your constituents.
We also still have a supply of free Stay Well stickers, posters, and brochures. The items remaining in our inventory are listed on this form. Place orders before Dec. 31 to address needs for the coming year. Be assured that these resources will remain useful and relevant; the QR codes on some items lead to MDHHS behavioral resources, which will include the Stay Well archived resources.
Without your partnership, the Stay Well program would not have found the success it did. From all of us here at Stay Well, thank you for three years of open and honest feedback, partnership, and steadfast support!
Peace, patience, and wellness in the coming months,
Eric VanBuskirk, LMSW
Group details, social media, and post copies:
POST COPY: The Stay Well program's last live grief and loss workshop series will focus on intensified feelings of grief during the holiday season. Join this final interactive series to learn how you can cope.
Register for Mondays at 6 p.m.:
Register for Wednesdays at noon:
POST COPY: For teenagers struggling with heavy emotions, it may be hard to find holiday happiness. In this final interactive workshop series, mental health counselor Zeinab Moussa provides understanding and lessons in coping. Teens can learn more and register at
POST COPY: Parents and kids: here's your last chance to participate in a live and interactive Creative Coping workshop series! Make fun art projects together while exploring eight primary emotions: what they are, how they change, and how they make us feel. Register now at
Eric VanBuskirk, LMSW
Fall Wellness for School Staff
Fall Wellness for School Staff
Highlights include:
A three-month wellness calendar with daily prompts for educators and students.
A three-month wellness journal with weekly prompts for brief reflection.
Ideas and resources to bring to your next meeting or share with your team
Admin/Teacher Resources
Facility Resources
Facility Work Order System
Facility Work Order Guide
Facility Event Requests
Event Request Guide
How to Create an Event Request
How to Approve an Event Request
PAYMENT PROCESSING (previously rev-trek)
District Payment Processing Form
District Payment Processing Guide
Two Way Radio Best Practices
Two Way Radio Service Request Form
HR Resources
InformedK12 Supervisor Forms
New World
Access New World for PO's HERE
Staff Forms
2024-25 Payroll Calendar
Business Office Forms
Athletic Gameworker Time Sheet
Grant Pay Request Form
HSA Payroll Deduction
Hourly Missed Pay Form
Mileage Reimbursement Form
Paraprofessional Medically Fragile Form
Schedule B-Athletic
Schedule B-Instructional
Trust and Agency Payment Request
Teacher/Admin Payroll Check Request
W-9 Form
District Forms
*NEW* District Payment Processing Request
Initiative Review Request
HR/Central Office Forms
Conference Registration Form
FMLA Request Form
Fundraiser Request Form
Injury Report-Employee
Injury Report Non-Staff (guest, student, volunteer)
Transportation Forms
Field Trip Authorization and Report of Driver Form
Special Education Transportation Request Form
Transportation Meal Claims Form
Technology Resources
Technology Help Ticket
Classroom Technology Resources
The Essential Question
Assessment Rubrics
CISCO Phone Support
Cisco Quick Reference Guide
Cisco Voice Message Guide
Audio - Audacity, Windows Sound recorder
Video - Windows Movie Maker
Images - Picasa
Movie Projects - Animoto
EBooks - Calibre
Wikis - PBWorks
Blogs - Edublog
Single-Sign On
Think Central
Follett Destiny
Working with Applications in the Cloud
Presentations - Prezi
Applications - Google Docs
W-2 FAQs
Q: When will W2s be available?
A. The IRS requires W2s to be postmarked on or before January 31st. If you elect electronic delivery in eSuite under MYHR-print W2 forms, you will receive an email notification when the W2 is available online.
Q. I need to change my address.
A. You should make the change in eSuite and email Becky Miller so she can make sure that the correct address populates on the W2. You can also elect an electronic delivery if you have not already, so you won't have to worry about any delays from the post office.
Q. I need my W2 from last year.
A. All W2s from 2015 on are available in the eSuite program.
Q. My W2 is lost/didn't arrive in the mail or I need my W2 reprinted.
A. W2s are available in eSuite under MyHR-print W2 forms.
Q. My W2 is wrong.
A. Please email Becky Miller with details about what you feel is incorrect so she can research and get back to you.